
Block Table: CP_BLOCKTABLE – CADPower Command


The CP_BLOCKTABLE command creates a preview of blocks in the current drawing in a table format. This command helps users easily view and manage all the blocks in a drawing by listing their names and associated properties in a table.

CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Block Table

Key features include:

  • Block Preview: Displays a table listing all the blocks in the drawing.
  • Organized Display: Blocks are shown in a structured table format, making it easy to review, reference, or manage the blocks.
  • Block Information: The table may include details such as the block name, number of instances in the drawing, and other relevant properties like block insertion points or scale factors.

CP_BLOCKTABLE is especially useful for users working with a variety of blocks in their drawing, as it allows for quick access to important block information, enhancing workflow and simplifying block management in large, complex drawings.

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